Re: [orca-list] any accessible chess game?

Dear friends, I just made the popular chess graphical front-end named
XBoard accessible. We need an immediate testing. Currently it uses
pico tts to announce various information. I just added KeyNavigation
so that one can use arrow keys to select, press enter key to lock and
use arrow keys and enter to finish move also one can use the direct
notation using keyboard. The accessibility menu contains
SayWhosTurn(Alt+Shift+m), ReadRow(Alt+r), ReadColumn(Alt+Shift+f),
SayUpperDiagnols(Alt+u), SayLowerDiagnols(Alt+l), SayClockTime(Alt+t),
SayAllBoard(Alt+p), SayWhitePieces(Alt+w),SayBlackPieces(Alt+b),
SayKnightMoves(Alt+Shift+n), SayCurrentPos(Space or Alt+s),
PossibleAttacked(Alt+d),  PossibleAttackMove(Alt+Shift+m),

Please run following commands in-order to test it.

sudo apt-get install fairymax texinfo libgtk-3-dev build-essential
git clone git://
git checkout gtk3
autoreconf --install
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make install

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