[orca-list] How to open orca preferences window without using orca key...

Hi all,

is there any way to get to the orca preferences window without pressing the orca key?
Since orca uses by default the insert key as the orca key, I need to access at least once this window without 
using this key: I would like to avoid creating this key mapping in my vm.

I know the existence of the textual setup, but if I run it from a mate-terminal it discards the changes after 
orca reboots and, if I run it directly from the “run application” window provided by Mate it makes Orca loop 
reading one of the messages displayed (chosen randomly, almost in a nondeterministic way :-)) thus making the 
system unusable for me.

I am using Debian Jessie with orca 3.14.

Thanks in advance for your help! :-)


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