Re: [orca-list] evolution a11y

Wow! It's a bit verbose on the message list, but the accessibility is awesome now! The only small a11yinconvenience so far is that I need to press shift+tab to get to the message once I open it, and this works due to the fact that there is a link in the message. I haven't tried it yet on a message that didn't come from a list that has a link at the bottom. The major showstopper here though is not related to a11y, and is probably a temporary bug due to the fact that I've built Evolution from git, so the current commit may be slightly broken. The problem is that if I try to select any text and delete it, Evolution crashes and burns. Once this is fixed, and once the verbosity issues can be worked out, Evolution will likely become my client of choice. It's simply awesome now that they've mostly fixed the message list.
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