Re: [orca-list] Orca crashes on Dropbox installer

I din't try with Unity. I am using Triskel, a derived distro wich
doesn't have Unity.

2015-01-03 20:00 GMT-02:00, luciano de souza <luchyanus gmail com>:
Hello all,

I have been using Dropbox for a meaningful time. However, since I
upgraded to Ubuntu 14.10, I am not able to configure Dropbox.

To install, I did:

$ sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox
$ dropbox status
Dropbox isn't running

$ dropbox start

Exactly at this moment, Orca crashes. I repeated the attempt with
debug activated. The result is the attached file.

My question is: Is someone else unable to configure Dropbox in ubuntu
14.10? Does someone imagine a solution for this problem?

I made two attempts:
1. Ubuntu Mate, based in ubuntu 14.10;
2. Triskel, based on ubuntu 14.10.


Luciano de Souza

Luciano de Souza

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