Re: [orca-list] Fwd: Re: [Support] autoinstall of talking arch

According to Josh K:
# so even the more popular ubuntu and ubuntu gnome and ubuntu mate is far
# far far more secure than windows?

Short answer: definitely. Longer answer: it does still depend upon a
certain level of competence from the user, but my argument remains that
any computer no matter the operating system installed on it requires a
competent user. The difference is that Windows relies so much on user
incompetence that it is insecure by design in an attempt to scare the
user into not installing needed software and making him/her install slow
3rd-party software in order to austensively keep his/her system secure,
which should work in theory, but never works in practice.

# Also that must mean android is more secure than windows also since it
runs the linux kernel?

Well, yes, and no. Whereas Android's Linux kernel is capable of
thwarting most OS-level viruses, the user interface itself has an
entirely different security model from Ubuntu and other desktop Linux
distributions, which could allow application-level malware to be
injected into a system. That said, if sticking to trusted repositories
such as Google Play or the default F-Droid repository, and if keeping
the applications properly updated, most users will probably see less
viruses and other malware than most Windows users see. Again, a certain
level of user competence is required in order to correctly use any
computer running any operating system, including Android on phones and
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