Re: [orca-list] Initial sound icons implemented into orca, testers and feedback wanted

Hi David,

I cant reproduce this. saves the values nicely. Maybe fixed it after i wrote my message. could you please reclone the git and move your settings folder away? does this solve your problem?

cheers chrys
Am 14.12.2015 um 20:31 schrieb David Hunt:
Thanks for adding the sounds tab; not sure whether this will become part of the new ui design.

When adjusting the sound volume via the new spinner and saving preferences, the new value is not retained. To reproduce, visit the new tab in preferences, and change the sound volume to something larger than the default, then hit 'ok. Expected result: louder sounds and the new value set.

Actual result: sounds are at default volume and value is unchanged from default.



On 12/14/2015 02:03 PM, chrys87 wrote:
Hi Guys,

I like to inform you that now there is a "sound" tab.
For now you can

enable disable sound overall
change the volume
enable/disable sound icons.

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