[orca-list] Initial sound icons implemented into orca, testers and feedback wanted

Howdy List, Hi Joanie

caused by I could not sleep last night I did some programming work for fun. so i decided to implement basic sound icons into orca (based on my not mainlined sound generator for the beeping progress bars). I recognize that many people whats that feature. Its not in a final state (but a good one), nor I have the allowance by Joanie to implement this (Joanie what did you think about?). I did it _just_for_fun_! A biiiig thanks to storm_dragon, he designed some sound icon beep sequences for me. Because it seems to work very well to storm_dragon and me, we decide to make this public for testing, feedback and discussion. !I recommend this only for more technical users. Because it can break your screen reader setup!!
where do i get it?
Its currently on my git.
git clone git github com:chrys87/orca-beep.git
(change in the dir)
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
make install
move your old orca settings away
start orca ( the sound icons here activated by default)

what do i get?
Its based on the most current orca master and contains the beeping progress bars and the sound icons. the sound icons are activated by default (for more easy testing). It can activate/ deactivate via the orca settings (enable sound icons on the main tab)

what does it?
1. some (more common) widget like (check box, combo box, button, link, combo box, radio button) have an sound icon. there is no announcement of the widget "type" anymore but an different kind of sound is played on focus. 2. check box and radio button has different sound icons if there checked/selected or unchecked/unselected. here is no announcement of the value but a different kind of "beep" per value. 3. Browse/Focus mode announcement is also notified (by a non finished, ugly long sound (for know, i will change that as soon as storm_dragon has a cool sound icon for me) 4. all announcements are replaced by the sound icons. that means if a sound icon exists the type or state will not announced via speech.
5. sound icons could be turned on/ off in the settings
6. its done in a configurable way... so the sound icons cold overwritten in theories in orca-customisazion.py
what does you guys think? bugs? ideas?

cheers chrys

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