if the talking dosbox with braille n speak emulator worked we would
have many more games like football, baseball, drone, and others.
follow me on twitter @joshknnd1982
On 8/30/2015 4:42 AM, Storm Dragon
I forgot to mension, there is a group of games I have been kind of
working on for a couple years whenever the mood strikes me.
They're written in bash and runnin the terminal. to get them:
git clone https://github.com/stormdragon2976/storm-games
To play the games change to the directory of the game you want,
e.g. cd storm-games/horseshoes.
then launch the game with ./gamename, e.g.
Some games are incomplete, some are completely unplayable lol.
Bashit is pretty much done, last stand is in good working order,
horseshoes is pretty much done. there are also tools for helping
people learn spelling words as well as a synthesizer based on sox.
To play most games you will need the sox package and the rolldice
Let me know if you play these and like them lol.
On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 12:14:49PM +0200, chrys87 wrote:
yesterday i found a slenderman clone. i just played the sighted
variant. but my girlfrind really enjoy the clone:
you have to run this with wine.. there no menues you have to
access. just run that press space and you are in the game.
a while ago i did a battleship game for the commandline:
xboard is also well accessible in the GTK3 branch:
SoundRTS does run under linux with wine ( i tryed this a while
ago). i dont know if there is a native linux bin.
maybe you found more intersting things here:
or did you play MUDs? i could recomment you powow or tintin as
MUD client. i think gnome-mud works alsow verry vell.
Am 30.08.2015 um 11:47 schrieb Vojtěch Šmiro:
Are there any computer games for us, some accessible games in
Linux? I know SoundRTS for Linux but I don`t know hoéw to
launch it under Linux. What about Winetricks and installing in
Thanks for your help.
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