Re: [orca-list] for anyone on the bleeding edge

On 16.08.2015 at 19:24 Joanmarie Diggs :
I've begun working on cleaning up the flat review code. As I get further along and have something to commit, then you can provide feedback on that.

Well I am afraid apart from the fact we have an impression orca flat review mode caches something or uses some 3rd party cache where it is not always desired there are issues with proper atk text implementation within GTK at least within some relativelly new widgets. I haven't fully understood what's needed but I understand that each accessible object should have implemented the logic usefull for mapping screen coordinates to its text and the other way round in order for flat review to work. This may be missing or partly incomplete at various places. Here are some examples: No flat review is possible within gnome contacts app instead the cpu usage increases and I get an impression orca freezes. No flat review is possible within keyboard date and time sections of gnome control center. In gnome control center Sound section only part of the window can be read using flat review. I know to be more usefull I should rather look if there are bugs filled for this at bugzilla and if not I have to fill them. By saying it like this now I just would like to point out that not only orca is responsible for degraded flat review functionality.



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