Re: [orca-list] for anyone on the bleeding edge

Yes, exactly.
I wonder, is this whole caching nesessary? Cause I suspect this is the
culprit for other problems, like out of sync when deleting messages in
Thunderbird, though I don't delete messages, smile.
In other hand, it's probably useful for other things, like flat review,
which by the way also needs many improvements - it should be more
responsive, it should refresh automatically and it should be possible to
keep your position, for example.
I really miss the object navigation in NVDA. Orca had similar
functionality in the past, and I can't understand why this was removed,
instead of improved if it was somehow broken. After all, we have the
object tree, why we should not be able to navigate through it? Yes, it's
rarely needed, but it's for those times you need it, not for those you

Best wishes,
На 16.08.2015 в 15:04, Peter Vágner написа:
Okay, my /bin folder has more than 4060 files inside.
I am doing the following
Pressing super key to open the dash
Typing files and pressing the enter key.
When my home folder opens in nautilus, I am pressing ctrl+l to focus
location box.
I type /bin/ into the location box and press the enter key.
I can hear orca announcing bin frame, then it takes up to 10 seconds for
the list to populate. If I am trying this multiple times I feel it
shortens somehow.
What is most important here without these fixes it takes even little
longer I feel and after these fixes are applied I can alt+tab away when
the list is populating so I can use another app e.g. thunderbird or
firefox until the list is ready. As it becomes ready it react snappy to
all the keypresses and by pressing keys multiple times in a quick
succession I haven't yet managed to cause a lag or caused orca to freeze.

So frankly when comparing gnome accessibility stack responsiveness into
accessibility toolkits and implementations on other platforms e.g.
windows, GNOME's implementation still feels more laggy than Windows in
my case. However being able to do real multi tasking without tasks
affecting each other like I have just described appears to be
significant improvement along with responsiveness increase.
I am using this for a few days, we may discover other issues but still I
believe the difference is outstanding.



On 16.08.2015 at 13:39 Michał Zegan wrote:
Well, actually for me opening /bin folder with nautilus is
problematic, thumbnails should not affect this and are disabled.
Like after pressing enter orca immediately says "bin frame" but it is
unnavigable, or I at least think so.

W dniu 16.08.2015 o 10:30, B. Henry pisze:
I can't say I notice much if any difference here. I've organized my
directory structure, browser bookmarks, and mailboxes to avoid many
thousands of
items in any one folder as much as is practical to make things easier
to find, and at least a little bit because of the lags waiting for
them to be
The main place where I  see this lag is /usr/bin. I've used pcmanfm
as my go to filemanager even when nautilus  or something else is the
desktop manager
for its speed, but up around 1500-2000 items things can get pretty
slow even with pcmanfm, and I still have to wait a long time.
I can do some more objective tests, but I'm thinking 30 seconds to
load bin has not changed as an average.
I'll try this on another machine with another distro later.
No problems though.

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