Re: [orca-list] little off: A question with Nautilus view menu related

Hi Peter,

Tab and SHIFT+TAB key works too with move operations, but I think the space key not checking the popower actual item. I generated a full debug.out file this issue related, but the debug file is extreeme large to attach the list. Orca real seeing popower widgets with radiobuttons, possible get ATK from this information.
An another interesting issue with Nautilus view menu awailable popowers:
When I activate the view menu related toggle button, move few with left or right arrow keys between grid and list menu items and press the ESCAPE key, Orca not talking after I pressed the ESCAPE key.
This situation my CPU cooler fan begin spinning little higher.
Possible this issue happening because I using virtual machine.
Joanie, I will sending you private the debug.out file.
Both two issues (the move operation between popower menu items and after Escape key press produced freeze) I generated the debug.out file.


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