[orca-list] Where are we supposed to report gnome-apps accessibility with orca?


I've been running gnome 3.14 for a while to see how it is.
It is very faster than gnome 3.12; however, The new stuff, such as gnome-clocks, gnome-software (which i really loved to use it) and other old things such as gnome-music are unbelievably inaccessible, or the least tab navigation works but it's kind of broken and incomplete.

For an example, Gnome software is a great new app which also works with arch linux, and it is reportedly going to be work with fedora as well. Although the tab navigation works in it, It seems very cluttered and the tab navigation is kind of broken, Since it goes through all elements then breaks in between and freezes.

I'm thinking that this might be a bug for gnome developer's, But i'm not sure, could be also orca's fault that for example, you can't interact with gnome music, gnome clocks, or gnome weather?

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