[orca-list] Epub reading with Orca

Hi all,

I have found this little but powerful application for reading epub books.
Is a simple epub reader writen in Python, GTK 3 and Webkit.
It's called ppub, and you can find the project at https://github.com/sakisds/pPub You can also find it on Arch AUR repository, easily installable with yaourt ppub in Sonar, F123 / Manjaro and Arch.

After installation, launch it and open an epub file with control + o shourtcut, got menu bar by pressing f10 and with left/right arrows go to view and select caret navigation. Once caret nav is enabled use up/down arrows to read the book, even you can use Orca's say all feauture to read current chapter. If you press left/right arrows to read by char is not supported, because this keys are assigned to next previous chapter. I think wont so difficult to set another keys for chapter navigation and leave arrows free for character and word reading. Thanks to webkit support in Orca you can use structural navigation keys to go between headings.

HTH, happy Orca reading!


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