Re: [orca-list] list on a webpage in Firefox

On Sat, Nov 15, 2014 at 10:29:03AM +0100, Peter Vágner wrote:
Today morning I have seen a page where the authoring may not be
quite right and as a result of this orca fails to present list
content. Here is the link:

Hi, the opening b is inside the UL (where a b is not a valid child),
while the closing b is outside. This means even the browser can't
make a good guess on what to close where. The markup here is, in
XML-terms, not well-formed (also not valid, but that's separate).
Had they wrapped the b around the ul entirely, it would merely be
invalid, and I'd bet both Orca and Firefox would be fine with it.

I assume Orca usually follows whatever error-rendering the browser
chooses to serve? I would expect text could still be read line by line
and that the list-navigation part would fail.

The b's inside the heading tags is funneh though. It's like they added
them to keep our browser parsers from getting cold and bored or something.



I guess this is either known or it's confusing enough so it's
difficult to make some good use out of it.
Is there a way so workaround can be added into orca?



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