Re: [orca-list] Need help with Cepstral-Voice

Hi Peter,

What Orca version is running?

Am 11.05.2014 23:14, schrieb Frank Becker:
What I did:

I did more: I disabled pulseaudio. I renamed /etc/pulse to
/etc/.pulse.orig and /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf to pulse-alsa.conf.orig

Then I started orca from a console. The cesptral-voice speaks more than
I ever expected. I jumped around in orca's configuration and cepstrals
read a complete directory-listing from my home-dir. I started Iceweasel
(Firefox) and orca read the title and the name of the tabs and then:

There were some messages on the terminal. Maybe it helps.

Thank you very much for your help.

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