[orca-list] Need help with Cepstral-Voice

Hi all,

I'm new to this list and my first question may be a bit tricky.

I have the problem that I soon will need orca and because of my hearing
disabilities I cannot understand the default espeak.

I tried  Cepstral as a demo and this voice (Matthias, German) I
understand rather good. So I purchased the voice and from the console
everything works fine for me. Longer texts are read without any problems.

So I tried to use the cepstral-voice with orca and unfortunately it
doesn't work.

My system:
Debian Wheezy with Gnome3

What I did:

vim /etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf
AudioOutputMethod "alsa"
AddModule "swift-generic" "sd_generic" "swift-generic.conf"

Restart the computer

orca -t
Select swift
Some of the further questions are read by orca with the cepstral-voice.
Then the configuration hangs and orca does't start.

Restart the computer
orca -t
select espeak
and everything works.

Then orca starts and I switch to swift. A few elements of the
dialogboxes are read with the Cepstral-voice and then: silence!

If I start an application with the mouse, then any keypress will
terminate this application.

I did:
dpkg-divert --add --rename /usr/share/alsa/pulse-alsa.conf because this
page tells something with problems about PulseAudio

I hope that one of you can help. I asked on the german Debian
Mailinglist, but unfortunately there is no solution until now.

Thank you in advance.

Frank Becker

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