Re: [orca-list] [Bug 726166] Orca does not read title-attributes of abbr-tags


First, as before, apologies in advance if I'm somehow missing the point.  If
I am more or less on the mark, though, I hope the following will help.

When I use a sighted reader, I want that person to tell me exactly what is
on the page or computer screen.  I don't ordinarily ask for reading every
punctuation mark, but I want the reader to say what is there and not
interpret it for me -- unless I have a particular understanding with a
certain reader, as I sometimes do.  Therefore, if the page or screen says
"e.g." or "i.e.", for example, that is what I want the person to read aloud:
I do not want the person to substitute the words these shorthands are for.
This can be vital if I am taking verbatum notes, which I occasionally do.
That sort of precision may also be necessary if, say, I need to point some
other person to a place on a page or site:  I want to know that what I tell
the person is there is actually there, or we may lose time sorting out the
differences in what we perceive.  I know that there are a few very common
abbreviations that at least some screen readers pronounce as the word being
abbreviated, so I'm not proposing an absolute bar, but even those at times
need to be checked:  for example, sometimes the page or site really does say
"doctor," not "dr.," and too many word stand-ins for abbreviations may force
you to slow down and take more care than the thing probably deserves in that

I hope that is useful.  I'm sorry it is not written with more craft.  Feel
free to tell me anything you think is wrong with what I've written.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andre Jaenisch [mailto:ryunoki openmailbox org] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 3:35 PM
To: Peter Vágner; orca-list gnome org; albert e sten_clanton verizon net
Subject: Re: [orca-list] [Bug 726166] Orca does not read title-attributes of

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Thanks for your replies, Peter and Albert.

Look, I'm sighted user and want consider this from an editor point of view.
That is, in my mind I _think_ "that is" when _reading" _i.e._ Naively I'd
say, that Braille should match, what readers read and speech output should
be, what would be read out.

So here's a split.

Thinking about it, I'd come with a solution similar to Meter's:
speaking the title-value and then offer a choice, which one to print
literally (since both values are there). So a switch would be needed here.

But I'm new to Orca and AT in general. JavaScript could easily get the value
of the title-attribute, but I have to dig into the code, to figure out, how
Orca can access it ?



Am 12.03.2014 15:01, schrieb Peter Vágner:
When reading a webpage and orca is about to present a link it reads 
its text and then anounces the control role. That's the information 
this is a link. This is brailled also.
I think expected behaviour is to anounce these abbreviations the same 
way. And info about getting the title is trickier because these are 
not focusable so can't be queried using where am I feature of orca. If 
there is indeed a way on how to present this the abbr title property 
should be mapped into a control description.

Hopefully I haven't forgotten about possible breaking edge cases.


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