Re: [orca-list] [Support] Tox Messenger, it's a FOSS replacement for Skype; I have questions.

I have played a bit more with this and here are a few observations:
- venom client appears as a modern gtk3 app to me. It even includes that top pannel menu typical for gnome 3.10 and gnome 3.12 applications. It is mostly accessible with a few quirks like that the contact list ntries are not read properly, contact list context menu can't be inwoked via keyboard but it has to be clicked by emulating the mouse.
I believe these are solvable accessibility related issues.
Also there is an unlabelled toggle button in the venom main window which brings up the menu. This one is not accessible. I think It would be usefull to label it with a text field where my nick is shown so I do know all is fine. Also there are minor atk relations issues that interactive controls inside the preferences window are not clearly labelled. Of course for the time being this can be easily dealt with because there are only a few controls like this accessible via flat review. Unfortunatelly I have found this is completelly inaccessible on windows. I have triet utox and also qtgui for tox so I have no chat partners for testing other functionalities e.g. reading incoming messages, doing voice calls and even the video. I am not sure how well this is supported accross various clients.
Anyway all in all venom clients is modern minimalistic powerfull app 
with just verry simple controls even for beginner so it is really 
perfectly suitable replacement for skype. Remember this is fully open 
source software, is in alpha state and these little quirks I have 
recognized so far can be fixed.
Hopefully the rest will turn out to be useable as well.



On 29.06.2014 08:54, Peter Vágner wrote:
There appears to be strong community around this project. I haven't tried it so far however what is amazing eventhough I haven't yet installed it is that they already have pidgin protocol plugin, version for android and they are even considering IOS version. They are using GTK plus 3 on linux and QT 5 on linux and windows for the user interface so at least there is a chance accessibility issues are fixable I hope as they arise.



On 27.06.2014 19:39, Jonathan Nadeau wrote:
Yeah i'v heard of this six months ago but it was far to early to try and
use it. i'l have to check it out agian.

On 06/27/2014 01:19 PM, D. A. H. wrote:

I recently discovered the Tox Messenger project.
Tox aims to be a free, open-source replacement for Skype, offering
text messaging, voip with optional video, and peer-to-peer, encrypted
sessions.  Is anyone using this?  I'd like to add some contacts.  I
believe the standard client has a QT5 gui. I found a gtk client called
Venom; it's in the Arch User Repository as venom-git.  There are very
few options to configure, unless most of the preferences pane is
invisible?  There seems to be user account setup; ids are
machine-generated. There is a user setup page, on which you put your
human-recognizable name and status message.  If you want to add me,
the tox id is:



Dave  Hunt

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