[orca-list] GNU/Linux Accessibility Summary--was Re: LXDE/Openbox menu accessibility


is another GNOME OOTB-Accessible GNU/Linux you should check out. Its package selection may not be as big as that of others, but it seems well-maintained, and the lead developer seems responsive to feedback from users. The live medium and basic installer can be used without sighted help; I'd suggest partitioning your target drive before starting the installer, if you plan to do something other than the entire system in one partition or a separate /home and root filesystem. I had trouble accessing the 'advanced partition setup' routine within the installer.

Have you checked out Sonar GNU/Linux lately?

It is an accessible GNOME distro, spun off the Manjaro GNOME edition. Manjaro is based on Arch, so you have all those resources.

Last time I checked, the GNOME edition of Open Suse was installable and usable without sighted assistance. The individual modules for its setup tool (YaST) are accessible, but not when they are launched from the YaST control panel.

I understand that the GUI installer for Fedora can be used without help, but I had a lot of trouble; it seems, orca doesn't always get notified about changes as you make them. Once running, a Fedora installation should be as accessible as anything else running GNOME.



On 06/25/2014 06:51 PM, Mike Ray wrote:
Great stuff.  I'm collecting all this info.  I'd like to create some
kind of resource, a web page I guess just devoted to getting an
accessible Linux up and running totally without any sighted assistance.

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