[orca-list] how learnMode implementation?

    orca/scripts/default.py/enterLearnMode() in that method , there is no implementation detail of working of learn mode , Its difficult to understand for new programmers that learnMode is implementation , in enterLearnMode() method there are only speakmessage() is called so , how learnMode implementation?

On Tue, Jun 10, 2014 at 2:37 AM, Dhairyashil Bhosale <dhairyashil bhosale584 gmail com> wrote:
On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 8:29 AM, Dhairyashil Bhosale <dhairyashil bhosale584 gmail com> wrote:
HI all,
          I am new to python and orca . Can any one tell me that  where is the implementation of learnMode is written. I am trying to take input from user like press 1 for something or press 2 for something etc.,so I wiil get  pyatspi.KEY_PRESSED_EVENT , for that purpose, I want to start learnMode like environment , means all keys are disable and I want to check that which key is pressed . So any one is Idea about my question then please help me .


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