[orca-list] Useful piece of kit


This is definitely a bit off-topic but I thought I'd share this with you...

Have you ever found yourself bending down to press your ear against the
palm-rest of a laptop PC to try to hear whether the hard-disk is
turning?  I find it's not always obvious when I have been pressing the
power button long enough either for the machine to start or to force a
shutdown.  Of course we don't have the luxury of seeing the LEDs.

The solution is to buy a cheap stethoscope from Ebay.  You can pick them
up for about twelve dollars or so.  Mine cost me eight pounds UK.

No more cricking my back for me.  Now instead of my family thinking I
have died and fallen over onto my laptop, they think I'm playing doctors
and nurses.  But it's a great way to hear what's going on inside.


Michael A. Ray
Witley, Surrey, South-east UK

The box said: 'install Windows XP, 7 or better'. So I installed Linux

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