[orca-list] cheese and cheese2

I need to take some photos, or a bit of video to try and catch a thief, but am not sure if cheese or cheese2 
are actually 
I'm going to be doing a bit of searching as my built in webcam is not auto detected. I did not get an 
announcement of this 
with the 3.12 cheese, and as buttons did not seem to be pressable with flat review, and could not be 
navigated to with 
tabs and arrows I though accessiblity issues were all that was going on.
With the cheese 2, that uses old gnome2 desktop api, and doesn't use clutter I got the no detected device 
First, I have an msi netbook, u130 I think it is. Does anyone per chance know about using the built in cam on 
Next, and more on toppic, is cheese accessible, and if so, can you give any tips, or once a device is 
detected will 
buttons start responding to numpad slash or enter>]
Cheese2 seems a bit more accessible, although pretty much the same actually, and can't find prefferences 
item, although 
there's an edit column in menus. 
Any tips, or suggestions on a better or more speech friendly way to take phots and or video, sound at the 
same time would 
be nice at times as well, but I mostly need pics right now.
Thanks for any suggestions in advance.

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