Re: [orca-list] Orca troubleshooting on Mint 17

The fact cinnamon is not verry accessible is known fact but still I believe it has dbus, gtk3 and all the dependencies orca need can be installed. How did you installed orca on mint? Is there an orca package with all the dependencies available? Is there some kind of security measure installed which may prevent orca process communicating using standard d-bus mechanisms? I am wondering about selinux or some kind of udev rules that may need tweaking in order to allow this kind of communication. Also at-spi includes specific configuration for dbus in the file /etc/at-spi2/accessibility.conf when I use a command like
ps aux | grep accessibility I can see something like
peter 794 0.4 0.4 52232 30056 ? S aug18 14:11 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --config-file=/etc/at-spi2/accessibility.conf --nofork --print-address 3

I must say I don't know much about dbus sockets and related stuff but I guess this must be either dbus configuration issue or permissions issue somewhere. If it sometimes works and at other times it fails then most likelly some process is crashing.



On 20.08.2014 at 18:41 Kyle wrote:
Are you attempting to run the standard Mint system, or are you running
the MATE edition? Standard Mint is running Cinnamon, which works very
poorly with Orca, if it works at all. You may have better luck with the
MATE version, or as Jonathan indicated, using Sonar. In any case, Orca
should be having less difficulty than this. Try running it from a
terminal as

orca --debug

and uploading the debug.out file somewhere. It used to be possible to
send these to the list, but my last couple of debug.out files have been
huge, so I had to store them in my OwnCloud. Hope some of this helps.

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