Re: [orca-list] Accessibility of LXDE desktop?

On ubuntu and Debian, just type 

locate .xinitrc

at a command line prompt and it should tell you where it is.  

Alex M

-----Original Message-----
From: orca-list [mailto:orca-list-bounces gnome org] On Behalf Of Storm Dragon
Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2014 10:55 AM
To: Orca-list
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Accessibility of LXDE desktop?

this is still very much a work in progress. It's designed to replace the inaccessible bits of ratpoison, 
which is about as fast as you can get and still have access to X.
git clone
You'll have to point to the items in the git directiory in your .ratpoisonrc or add them to fluxbox. If you 
absolutely have to have a desktop, you can install caja and add caja -n to the .ratpoisonrc. Ratpoison works 
a lot like screen, I find it very easy to use. Fluxbox was pretty cool too, but the menu isn't accessible, 
which is a bit of a drawback. In ratpoison, if you need a tray for apps that only work if there's a panel or 
tray present, try trayer. I only have one app that requires it, and it's a QT app, so I'm not sure how 
accessible it is. It does say panel when focus lands on it though, so maybe...
If you're setting up mate, fluxbox, or ratpoison, here's a quick reference of things you will want to do to 
make the best accessible experience. Note these instructions work on Arch Linux. I'm not sure where .xinitrc 
is on other distros like Ubuntu or Vinux.
In ~/.xinitrc, make sure you have the line:
export GTK_MODULES=gail:atk-bridge

In your ~/.bashrc:

In terminal type:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-reader-enabled true

And finally, if you chose Mate:
gsettings set org.mate.interface accessibility true

On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 10:23:57AM -0500, Burt Henry wrote:
no panels, can't remember about desktop icons.
Mate is a lot heavier than lxde, but light compared with unity or kde, 
and much cpu less intensive than gnome3 and very accessible with a few glitches.
XFCE may be a bit better than lxde, but very similar, and if you can do 
with out accessible panels and can do with out an organized apps menu you can go super lightweight with 
In fluxbox assign keuyboard shortcuts to the programs you use most, 
launch caja to get desktop icons, (use the -n option when auto starting 
it in the fluxbox start-up file), and assign a key to open the applications dir in /usr/share to get a way 
to launch any app you don't have a shortcut for and do not remember exact name for.
Also Stormdragon wrote a little  script to replace the run box app 
that's not accessible for fluxbox, ratpoison and similar. I don't have 
his original, but do have my slightly hacked version of this I can 
send, or look in archives for the url to get his version. Build from source if not able to get latest 
fluxbox on your debian based distro, it's in repos for arch.
I can help more with the fluxbox configuration if you are interested, 
and maybe it'll get better out of the box with in a reasonable time frame, some dev interest.
OAll of the above mentioned options require exporting gtk modules and 
setting qt accessiblity at least as well as a couple things for gconf  for mate anyway, same gets stuff 
working for fluxbox.
I can send you some links and or notes later if you need.

There are a couple more hacks for fluxbox.
On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 08:06:43AM -0700, austinAustin quesada wrote:
Hi list. Was just wondering if the light-weight LXDE environment is 
accessible using orca? I have some older machines laying around that 
might benefit from a debian or arch install with LXDE. If it's not 
particularly accessible, could anyone advise on another light-weight 
desktop? Thanks for any feedback.
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