Re: [orca-list] Your opinion regarding caret control in Gecko

Peter Vágner <pvdeejay gmail com> wrote:
Well I am sorry perhaps I'll ask too much but please try to at least
consider this. We all are kind of jealous that on Windows while using
Firefox and NVDA they have verry good accessibility support and switching
into / out of focus mode is kind of automatic and it is usually right so why
not to try borrowing some ideas from them.  I know it may not be that easy
but I am thinking that although we originally wanted to have something
completelly different on linux avoiding forms mode vs browse mode paradigm
now we are about to introduce something verry similar. 

Another alternative would be for Orca to provide its own navigation commands
(similar to what flat review does now, but capable of navigating the entire
widget hierarchy rather than just the text), then to move the focus appropriately
if the user wants focus to follow the review cursor.

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