Re: [orca-list] xfce and firefox

Below is the text of an email from Jonathan on this subject, when I was experimenting with LXDE and XFCE, in a distro based on Ubuntu 12.04. Hope it helps!

Okay so first you will want to go to


Then make a folder called gtk-2.0

Now you will want to do this

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/

After lib depending on what you are running you will want to either do this

i386 then tab complete or

x86 then tab complet

so now you will have this

/usr/lib/fill in the black/gtk-2.0/modules/

So to start over this is what you will want

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/fillinthe blank/gtk-2.0/modules /usr/lib/gtk-2.0

Now firefox and thunderbird will work.

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