[orca-list] Thunderbird 24 non-responsiveness (was Re: Orca uses much cpu on my machine)

Hey José, all.

On 10/08/2013 08:03 AM, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
Regarding TB issue, I downgrade to version 17.08 and it seems that the
problem no longer exists.

Interesting. I'll check that out next. In the meantime, I have committed
two changes to both the gnome-3-10 and master branches: one to handle
timeouts in liveregions more gracefully (i.e. Peter's traceback) and
another to ignore text-change events coming from labels in the status
bar (what Peter also found). To be honest, I'm not convinced that is
going to solve the problem -- which I'm still trying to reproduce. But
the changes I made certainly will not hurt and they might help a bit.
Anyhoo... Since I believe you have an environment in which you can test,
please pull either the latest from the 3.10 branch or master and let me
know. If this helps the problem, I'll put them back in the 3.8 branch
and roll a new release.


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