Re: [orca-list] Reading object descriptions on the web

Okay I have found out how this should be working. By pressing the numpad enter key to execute basic where am I operation I can hear the description. However there are some edge cases. On the website there is a sidebar with a list of favorite contacts. Their twitter handles and avatars are displayed there. A conversation with a contact can be started by activating the link. This link has an image inside. The alt text of the image is the contact name. However the same anchor has a title attribute which should become the object description. In such a case while doing basic where am I operation orca reports details about the image not the link.

Is there a way around this? Or does this qualify as an authoring issue?



On 19.09.2013 10:11, Peter Vágner wrote:
Can orca read object descriptions on the web with Firefox?
For example anchor might have a text this is rendered correctly but it may have a title attribute can this be queried somehow? I know NVDA in Windows reports this as an object description so most likelly Firefox can provide it.

If this is something that needs to be added as a feature request I would like to try looking at it. Is there a place where I should start reading the code?

I have basic accessibility related knowledge however currently I know only accessibility APIS for Windows.



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