Re: [orca-list] Reading object descriptions on the web

I would consider this both: title attributes are not recommended
for conveying important information (keyboarders without a screen
reader can't access them at all), so if the link consists of an
image then the alt text *should* have been appropriate link text.

But I would have thought the setting to set title attributes would be
under Text Attributes in Orca Preferences but I didn't find it there.
But my other readers at least let me set the option (usually I
don't want them on).


On Sat, Oct 05, 2013 at 09:44:42AM +0200, Peter Vágner wrote:
Okay I have found out how this should be working. By pressing the
numpad enter key to execute basic where am I operation I can hear
the description. However there are some edge cases.
On the website there is a sidebar with a list of
favorite contacts. Their twitter handles and avatars are displayed
there. A conversation with a contact can be started by activating
the link. This link has an image inside. The alt text of the image
is the contact name. However the same anchor has a title attribute
which should become the object description. In such a case while
doing basic where am I operation orca reports details about the
image not the link.

Is there a way around this? Or does this qualify as an authoring issue?



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