Re: [orca-list] trying to use Orca full-time, have some questions

It's not the smoothest way to learn Orca's short cut keys, but you can pull up the Orca preferences with Orca+space-bar and tab over to the key bindings page and move around the table of Orca short cut keys. This is usually what I do if I'm looking for a short cut key and the Orca help mode, which you get to with Orca+h, doesn't let me find it through trial and error.

On 11/20/2013 06:39 PM, Julius Charles Serrano wrote:
Hi all.

I am trying to slowly but steadily use Orca full-time (for work and
for me personal use), and I'm hoping that someday I won't have to use
the Micro$oft OS anymore.

I just have a few questions:

1. I have chosen Vinux. Do you think this is the most
screen-reader-friendly environment there is in Linux? Or is Vinux
basically the same as the regular Ubuntu environment?
2. When using Firefox, NVDA has the insert + F7 feature to list the
links on the page. Does Orca currently have the exact same feature?
I've tried to look for it but I didn't find any info on this.
3. Lastly, if you could kindly point me to the latest *and most
complete* Orca resource (shortcut keys, troubleshooting, etc), I'd
greatly appreciate it.

Thank you very much in advance, everyone.

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