Re: [orca-list] trying to use Orca full-time, have some questions

I think Vinux is more blind friendly than vanilla Ubuntu. First, Orca comes up talking on the live CD, so there's no need to know to push control+s or whatever the current hot key is. You also get Speakup working in your consoles. For the most part, accessible versions of the default applications are installed, such as Mangler, Pidgin, RhythmBox, Firefox, thunderbird and so on. You also get a wonderful support mailing list, a Mangler room, an IRC channel and a chance to Cry for Help (CFH), with applications like Mangler and IRSSI already configured to hook you up to these resources.

Note that it isn't hard to install these applications and configure them on stock Ubuntu, but the Vinux development team has taken the tedium out of having to do this for the advanced user and makes it easy for the novice user who may not know what to get or where to get it.

There are some drawbacks to Vinux. The focus is on stability, so Ubuntu 12.04 Long Term Support (LTS) distribution is used for vinux right now, which means you won't be running the latest and greatest Orca and accessibility stack.

On 11/20/2013 06:39 PM, Julius Charles Serrano wrote:
Hi all.

I am trying to slowly but steadily use Orca full-time (for work and
for me personal use), and I'm hoping that someday I won't have to use
the Micro$oft OS anymore.

I just have a few questions:

1. I have chosen Vinux. Do you think this is the most
screen-reader-friendly environment there is in Linux? Or is Vinux
basically the same as the regular Ubuntu environment?
2. When using Firefox, NVDA has the insert + F7 feature to list the
links on the page. Does Orca currently have the exact same feature?
I've tried to look for it but I didn't find any info on this.
3. Lastly, if you could kindly point me to the latest *and most
complete* Orca resource (shortcut keys, troubleshooting, etc), I'd
greatly appreciate it.

Thank you very much in advance, everyone.

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