Re: [orca-list] sonar radio is out

Of course that would be fantastic! Please spread the word.

On 03/26/2013 04:31 AM, ddf051 wolf googlemail com wrote:
Hi Jonatan,
may I introduce your Podcast for people in Germany being interested in free OS and software?
Regards, Wolfram

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Subject:      [orca-list] sonar radio is out
Author:       "Jonathan Nadeau" <j nadeau charter net>
Date:         26 März 2013 00:59

Hello list,

A new episode is out for SonarRadio! Sorry it has been a while but we
are back on our schedule now. in case you don't know SonarRadio is a
podcast about Free assistive technology. We talk about Orca and how to
use it with various programs. We also talk about Free software, distros
and desktop envirorments. here is a link to the mp3 feed.

Here is a link to the ogg feed

This is the 5th episode and we have 2 more already recorded. They should
be up soon.  
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