Re: [orca-list] session manager window anyone???

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 10:57:46AM EST, Clinton Waterbury wrote:
On 03/13/2013 06:52 AM, Guy Schlosser wrote:
Here's an update concerning the session management window.  It
seems like you can use left and right arrow keys to navigate
between the four options in the window.  This was confirmed by my
girlfriend, who was also watching the screen as I arrowed around.
The objects just don't speak when you arrow over them.  As a
work-around, you can see with the orca review commands that
shutdown is the third in the line, and restart is fourth.
Therefore, arrowing over three or four times respectively will get
you where you want to be.  It doesn't seem like it will be too
hard to make this box accessible, as Orca's flat review can
already read this window. Thanks for the quick response Luke.
Turns out that this window is actually part of the unity code proper, which makes it more difficult to 
improve accessibility wise than I thought.

Luckily, it appears that the GTK based messages that used to be displayed are still in the code, but if Unity 
is running, Unity does the window instead. It will be much easier to put in a switch to disable the unity 
logout/restart windows and use the GTK one than it will be to try and fix things in Unity, given Unity will 
be rewritten in Qt/QML anyway...


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