Re: [orca-list] Orca with a window manager

Ideal distribution would be a text console which started up.  This would 
be tty1 and in order to do any of the g.u.i. stuff you'd run startx once 
it was configured and get to root then start up orca and configure it 
for your whole system.  I could live very happily in a world like that 
myself too.

On Mon, 1 Jul 2013, Pascal Diogo Antunes wrote:

I would to use Orca without Gnome interface. Because without Gnome, and
just a window manager - no desktop environment; orca doesn't work. So
how can I have a Orca working, without a desktop environment? With
Gnome tools on backend, but without environment modification- It's
possible? How can I do it?

Thanks in advance.
Pascal Diogo Antunes.

jude <jdashiel shellworld net>
About to block another web browser version?  Ask yourself what Tim
Berners-lee would do.

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