[orca-list] Do not use AT-SPI 2.9.3

Hi all,

AT-SPI 2.9.3 has a bug that will cause deadlock / long freezes when trying to navigate the Orca preferences dialog. The issue was previously hacked around by having at-spi2-atk behave differently when AT_SPI_CLIENT is set (ie, in pyatspi), but this hack was removed in 2.9.3 while fixing a freeze that could show up in gnome-shell.

The issue is fixed properly in git, and at-spi2-core and at-spi2-atk 2.9.4 will be released next Monday.

If anyone is using 2.9.x, then I'd suggest either sticking with 2.9.2 for the next week or pulling from git (you'd need to update both at-spi2-core and at-spi2-atk).

Sorry for the trouble.


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