Re: [orca-list] On the recent changes to the Evolution script

Hey Joanie.
You are working to make evolution accessible, this is the better news.

On 01/13/2013 07:23 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
Hey all.

For those of you who watch the commits to master, you're probably
wondering if Evolution is now accessible. And the answer is not yet.  In
fact, I even had Evolution crash on me pretty often. So at the moment,
there's no point in trying it. Or if you do try, there's no point in
complaining because I already know it's broken.

Having said that, the reason I am making the changes I am is because the
Orca script for Evolution was for Evolution 2.x. As a result, using that
script with Evolution 3.x makes things seem even less accessible than
they really are.

I am going to slowly but surely rework that script, see what bugs are
still present and what new ones I find and either fix them or report
them. When Evolution + Orca is at a usable point, I promise I will let
you know.

Sorry I don't have better news -- yet.

Take care.
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{}S Josà Vilmar EstÃcio de Souza

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