Re: [orca-list] Please test profile-based language switching

Key echo: checked.
alphanumeric and punctuation keys: checked.
modify keys: not checked.
function keys: checked.
action keys: not checked.
navigation keys: not checked.
non spacing keys: not checked.
echo by character, word and sentence: not checked.

On 02/19/2013 05:26 AM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
On 02/19/2013 03:12 AM, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:

The first problem that I found is  that that when I type, the characters
are generally announced in English.

The funny thing is that from time to time, some characters are announced
in Portuguese while I am typing.

What are your key and character echo settings? It's possible that we are
sometimes presenting key presses and sometimes presenting inserted text.

And keep the reports coming!

Take care.

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{}S José Vilmar Estácio de Souza

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