[orca-list] Please test profile-based language switching

Hey guys.

There are two kinds of language switching we ultimately want to make
possible in Orca:

1. Detecting the language of an object and automatically switching to
   the appropriate synthesizer (if you enabled that in a setting).
2. Allowing you to switch synthesizers on the fly and have Orca use
   that language when presenting stuff to you.

I've done quite a bit of work on 2. And before I do the .90 release
later today, it would be helpful if those of you who are able to test
master do so.

To test:

1. Without doing any language switching, just use Orca and be sure no
   messages that Orca used to present have suddenly disappeared.
   Likewise, be sure that messages Orca used to present in your native
   language have not suddenly reverted to English.

2. If you have not already done so, create a profile with an alternative
   language speech synthesizer selected. Having done so and saved it,
   bind the command associated with cycling amongst profiles. Then use
   Orca switching between profiles. You should find that messages that
   are strictly feedback from Orca (e.g. Punctuation level set to Some,
   Faster, Slower, No more headings found, etc.) are in the new language
   assuming that language has been translated.

What I have *not* done yet:

* Strings which might be singular or plural (e.g. List with x item
  or x items)
* Command names AKA keybinding names AKA short cut names
* Anything related to any GUI Orca has
* Anything related to widget rolenames, where am i, tutorial messages

I will work on the singular/plural strings and command names. If we can
get the profile-based language switching working pretty darn well for
3.8, that plus the "list of" dialogs should make this a nice release.

Thanks in advance!

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