Re: [orca-list] Revamped explanation of problems relating to lack of speech accessability

On Wed, Aug 07, 2013 at 12:06:50AM EST, Alex Midence wrote:
Best I can make out, it involves a systemwide, low-priveleged user created
for Speechd-up to have access to audio.  That's so you get a talking login
prompt.  Then, you log in under your own user name and it works as expected.
There are scripts in /etc/defaults which drive this behavior among other
things.  Here is a link to the wikipage I skimmed:

It would be nice if someone could figure out how to get this upstream to
Debian or Ubuntu proper.  

The problem is that Consolekit upstrea is effectively dead. From here on out, I will have to re-implement 
this code in systemd, in the logind component. I haven't yet had a chance to do this, but at a glance, logind 
doesn't track all of the same info that consolekit does, so I need to spend more time with logind's code to 
better understand how things might be done.


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