[orca-list] problem with braille display

Hi all, 

I've tried the opensuse 12.3 live dvd as well as the fedora 18 live dvd.
Both of them are running orca 3.6.3 and brltty 4.3. I tested with two dists
to make sure it's not a problem with the os. 
When I start brltty it prints "brltty 4.3 revision ..." on the braillle
device. But if I then start orca nothing else is displayed. So orca works
fine. It reads the screen as expected.

I also checked, that the x11 driver for brltty is installed. Now I don't
know what else I could check .. 
I hope someone in this list could help me to solve this issue. Let me know
if you need more information about my setup. 

- Jann 

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