Re: [orca-list] Current Ubuntu and Orca - stability?

If you go with Ubuntu, may I suggest you use 12.04 LTS for an all-around better accessibility experience than that offered by 10.10? The LTS Ubuntu releases get support for 5 years from their release date. When the Trisquel 6.0 (also LTS) comes out, it promises to be a fine all-around release, and not just for its accessibility. I'm now running the gui flavor of Debian Testing (code-named Wheezy), done from a network install, on an Asus EEEPC with a dual-core Atom cpu, 1 gb ram, and plain-vanilla Intel hardware over-all; it's works great, especially when the GNOME display is in the fallback mode rather than the new shell, though the shell is plenty accessible.



On 10/25/2012 03:55 PM, Julien Claassen wrote:
Hello everyone1
I'm thinking of installing an Ubuntu on a new (second hand old) notebook
of mine. I was thinking about Ubuntu. But I have heard from several
corners, that the current Ubuntu had definite problems with the GUI.
So what's you advise, if I want to go with some sort of Ubuntu/Debian
(1.8GHz dualcore with 2GB RAM).
Thans for following me thus far.
Kind regards

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