Re: [orca-list] how to identify in the dash if an application is running

On Tue, Oct 09, 2012 at 02:39:57PM EST, Piñeiro wrote:
On 10/09/2012 05:06 AM, Luke Yelavich wrote:
On Tue, Oct 09, 2012 at 01:32:29PM EST, Piñeiro wrote:
I think that at this moment Orca can't identify it. And as Luke said on
this thread, part of the support needs to start from gnome-shell.
Probably exposing "the glow" as a specific state. I have created a bug
to track this error:
In Unity 2D in Ubuntu, we augmented the accessible name string to indicate the application running state, 
thereby not requiring any extra work on the Orca side, and I've had thoughts of doing that for Unity 3D 
as well. Would it not be better to do something similar in GNOME shell, thereby not requiring any extra 
work in Orca?

Thats another option. As I mention on the bug, my initial idea of using
a existing state probably was not so good, as I didn't find a "perfect
fit". Just a question about that solution used at Unity2D. Does that
mean that you create a new accessible name that is created by
concatenate the original name and the "glow" description? How that works
with the internationalization (as "just concatenate" don't work on every

I'd have to look at the Unity 2D code to see how things are dealt with there in terms of translation, but if 
I were writing an atk implementation for such a thing, I'd probably make the application state a translatable 
string, i.e translate "running", and then concatinate both strings together for the accessible name. The only 
possible problem I can think of is rtl languages, or languages where such information needs to be conveyed 
differently, but given I am only an English speaker, I can't truely work this one out.


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