Re: [orca-list] how to identify in the dash if an application is running

On 10/08/2012 01:05 PM, Josà Vilmar EstÃcio de Souza wrote:
According to

The dash on the left side is where your favorite applications and your
running applications are shown. The glow behind the application icon
indicates if the application is running.

Good catch, I didn't realize that specific glow (it is a really subtle
visual decoration), and it seems that I skipped it when I read the

My question:
Using orca, how to identify in the dash if an application is running
or not?

I think that at this moment Orca can't identify it. And as Luke said on
this thread, part of the support needs to start from gnome-shell.
Probably exposing "the glow" as a specific state. I have created a bug
to track this error:



Alejandro PiÃeiro Iglesias

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