Re: [orca-list] working combination of Orca and Libreoffice needed badly!

Peter Rayner <peter julien rayner gmail com> wrote:
Is OpenOffice still an option?
Would it help?
I don't know. All Linux distributions have moved to LibreOffice and there have
been significant changes to OpenOffice following its submission to the Apache
Software Foundation. My impression is that LibreOffice has the larger
development community at this point, and it's certainly the version that all
of the commercial and community-based Linux distributors are working on.

My suggestion would be to take up your bugs on the libreoffice-accessibility
list. I haven't seen any traffic there related to the issues reported with
LibreOffice 3.6 in recent threads on this list, so it seems that the people
experiencing the bugs haven't yet started working with the LibreOffice
community to have them resolved.

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