Re: [orca-list] Updating Orca

On 11/24/2012 02:15 PM, Juan Antonio Fuentes Bermudez wrote:
Hi, how can install gtk+ 3.6.2 in Ubuntu 12.10?

i trying install orca forn git repositori and error mesaje is:

gtk+ 3.6.2 but your habe installed 3.6.0

You'll need more than just gtk+ to use master I'm afraid. You'll also
need python 3.3 and Orca's dependencies built for Python 3.3. As a
result your best bet would be for someone who does PPAs to make packages
available for Ubuntu 12.10. If those of you in the Ubuntu community
could advocate for someone doing that, I think it would be helpful.
Failing that, you could try to set up a jhbuild environment. Failing
that, you could set up an environment using Ubuntu 13.04 (spare machine,
virtual machine, etc.)

For what it's worth, this cycle I am going to be focusing on
architectural changes so you will not be missing out on features if you
do not have the latest Orca from master.

Lastly, I think subsequent cycles will go back to "normal" (i.e. in
which Orca master can be more easily built in the previous version of
GNOME). Periodically we have major changes in GNOME (e.g. the Bonobo
deprecation, gobject introspection, accessibility always on, Python 3,
etc.) that make it impossible for me to keep Orca master compatible with
previous versions of GNOME. We're in one of those cycles now, but I
cannot think of anything coming up which would require that for GNOME 3.10.

Sorry and thank you for your understanding!


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