Re: [orca-list] GNOME 3.6 with gnome-shell: I'm impressed so far

So how long will it take for Guinon Shell to appear in the Ubuntu updates?


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On Nov 14, 2012, at 3:56 PM, Kyle <kyle4jesus gmail com> wrote:

With Arch, the only thing you really have to do from scratch, meaning it has only a command line interface 
and no menu-driven or graphical system, is the base installation. During this base installation, you can 
very easily add xorg, gnome and gnome-extra to the package groups to be installed, and you would end up 
with a fully functional GNOME-based Arch install once you have added your first user account, which is a 
single command that can be done from within the chroot. Once the base system is installed, Arch works much 
like Fedora or Ubuntu, where you just install the packages or package groups you want, and the system does 
the rest. You can even install packagekit-gnome to get a graphical package manager similar in some ways to 

So yes, the answer to your question is that the Arch installation process is not for the faint of heart, 
but once the system is installed, it runs like a dream, and is surprisingly stable for a rolling release 
model. If you would like to know more, or would like to get help with an installation, feel free to either 
contact me off list or join the Accessible Freedom support list at
as this topic is somewhat beyond the scope of the Orca list.
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