Re: [orca-list] sonar now using lxde

Ok, thanks for the explanation, at first I thought that "sonar now using
lxde" implied that was using *only* lxde. Taking into account your
answer and the rest of the mails on this thread, that sentence means
that sonar uses lxde *and* what it was using before.

Sorry for the noise

On 11/09/2012 03:03 PM, Alex Midence wrote:

I don't think this is in any way a reflection or statement on the work
that is done on Gnome Shell.  Rather, it is exploring the topic of
desktop choices.  I go back and forth from Gnome to Unity but, I am
glad to know that now, if I ever needed it due to having limited
hardware resources, there is a distribution that has a working LXDE
installation that I can use with Orca.  It's taking us one step closer
to being able to have as much freedom of choice as sighted users with
regard to desktop environment.

Alex M

On 11/9/12, Piñeiro <apinheiro igalia com> wrote:
On 11/09/2012 12:20 AM, Jonathan Nadeau wrote:
Hello list,

There is a new version of Sonar using lxde as a desktop. This is a
beta release so it is not perfect yet but it is usable. Notes before

Just a question: any reason to move from gnome-shell to lxde? Something
specific that needs more work on gnome-shell?

The network applet isn't accessible so you will have to go to
preferences and go to network connections and manually set up your

For example, at gnome-shell the network menu at the top panel is
accessible. We fixed some of the issues (like not being able to read
current WIFI) on GNOME 3.6.


Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias

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