[orca-list] Problem with voices, and Festival problem

Hi there!

I am interesting how to fix one small problem with Orca screen reading software.

Today, I was installing cicero text to speech for mbrola voices, and I had uncommented line sin speechd.conf file under /etc/speech-dispatcher for cicero, and festival.

Under Synthesizer in Orca preferences, I can find cicero, but when I clicked apply, My copy of orca does not speaks more.

How I can make orca to speak again with eSpeak as the default synthesizer, is it possible from terminal, because as a totally blind person, I cannot read the screen to back the default synthesizer to eSpeak in the orca preferences.

Almost, I cannot see the Festival under the synthesizer in the orca preferences, but I was uncommenting line addmodule=Festival in speechd.conf file, but I can see all of the uncommented modules, only festival I cannot.

Where is the problem?


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