Re: [orca-list] Proposal: Eliminate the "gui setup" command line options

On Sat, May 12, 2012 at 01:21:44PM PDT, Thomas Ward wrote:
1. If Orca's settings do become a part of control center will I
still be able to use insert+space to go directly to Orca's settings
or will I have to go to the top panel, find my user name, arrow down
to System Settings, arrow to the Universal Access option, find the
Orca settings tab, etc?
I am pretty sure you can call the control center to open at a specific settings panel. However, I am unsure 
whether this will allow moving directly to a particular page within that settings panel, so getting to orca 
settings will be partially possible at least.

2. With the number of desktops in development and being upgraded
with a11y support wouldn't it make more sense to have a central
place for Orca's settings? If Orca's settings do become a part of
Gnome's control center how does a person using KDE, Lxde, Xfce, get
access to Orca's settings?
This is a dilemma I agree. On one hand, desktop UI designers want the desktop to look consistant, and have 
settings located in one location. However, this doesn't always work with projects such as Orca, which is more 
a FreeDesktop project than a GNOME project these days IMO. Having said that, a compromise may be to leave the 
settings in Orca as a fallback, should there be no known settings manager for the current desktop environment 
that is running. That could be seen as more work by orca devs however.


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