Re: [orca-list] seems that the --replace switch is not working in the latest orca

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Hey JosÃ.

Hmmm. I'm a bit stumped. Replace is working for me both with multiple
instances of the same version and install location as well as with
different version installed in different locations. for instance:

[jd blockhead ~]$ pgrep -lf orca
30384 /bin/sh /opt/gnome/bin/orca
30406 /bin/python -c import orca.orca; orca.orca.main()
[jd blockhead ~]$ pgrep -lf orca
30562 /bin/python /bin/orca --replace

Does this happen sporadically, or all the time? Does the bug happen
with two instances of the same version and installation of Orca as
well, or just when you try to kill the old with the new? And finally,
the processes are all running as the same user, correct?

As I mentioned before, I'm still working on many things related to the
single process change we're discussing, plus continuing to work on the
migration to Python 3. So I'll keep an eye out for it. But I could use
more details.

- --joanie

On 05/11/2012 05:46 PM, Josà Vilmar EstÃcio de Souza wrote:
Hi all. Today I pooled orca from master and compiled without

Before I start the new version I did the following command: pgrep
-lf orca It gave me the following result: 20957 /bin/sh
/usr/bin/orca --no-setup --disable splash-window 20994
/usr/bin/python -c import orca.orca; orca.orca.main() --no-setup 
--disable splash-window

After start the new version of orca, the same command produced the 
following: 20957 /bin/sh /usr/bin/orca --no-setup --disable
splash-window 20994 /usr/bin/python -c import orca.orca;
orca.orca.main() --no-setup --disable splash-window 21580
/usr/bin/python ./dev/bin/orca --replace
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